Interesting "definition of fanfic" stuff along with a reaction to the Iliad movie that made me giggle. Nov. 14th entry (it looks like the permalinks are only per-date.)
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Damn them - how can they tell you who's scheduled for Achilles and not mention Patroclus? Wow. Man, I do hope this movie happens. BigGayLove-alicious. You could have some very nice Paris/Menalaus UST too. Oh, man. The number of slashable relationships/canonically gay relationships - oh, man. Wow. Sign me up now.
(Also? Yay Team Bloodshed! Bloom's so GOOD at getting all slaughtery. Fun fun fun!)
...I wonder if they'll include the Troilus/Creseyde thing?
I thought I was immune to being annoyed by the portmanteau words for pairings (Spuffy, Ganya, Spillow). But I just saw S/X referred to as "SPANDER"!
ew, ew,ew.
See, that's just too close to "spandex" for it to ever be a good thing.
I think the worst one I ever saw was Spawn, for S/Da. Spru is pretty terrible too, and Fungel.
Yep, hating there right along with you. Spike and Xander in spandex? Better. Spander? NSM.
Sorry, but any couple/threesome abbreviation that sounds like it needs to be treated with antibiotics is a real mood-killer.