Sorry, but any couple/threesome abbreviation that sounds like it needs to be treated with antibiotics is a real mood-killer.
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Also, I don't think threesomes really lend themselves to that sort of thing. Spangel could be Spike/Angel OR Spike/Xander/Angel. Plus-- FUNGEL!?
That was pretty much my reaction.
More pimping. Amends the Next Time Post A-Nowish (Rain of Whatever) AtS 4x7, Sheila Perez and Te.
Wonderful Wes/Gunn. Lord, I miss those boys.
That was sweet.
I want to know what is so bad with abbreviations. I typed MSR when I was a young thing, uphill both ways! And in the winter, I had to type all the way out to S/Sk!!
Crazy young things with their inability to use judicious single letters.
Wait, wait, I'm just getting warmed up. I know I have a rant in me somewhere.
Ah, days of our youth.
Go Nutty!
Though, you know, you didn't have as much confusion in that 'verse. I mean, B/L meant just one thing (umm... maybe two, if you count the weirdness of that particular pairing), but in Buffy, L could be Lorne, Lindsey, or Lilah.
Of course, I guess in the X-Files, the B could be any one of the Vast Army of Billiams. So, nevermind. Rant on.
B/L meant just one thing
Yeah, Frohike's pissed.
Yeah, Frohike's pissed.