ew, ew,ew.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
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See, that's just too close to "spandex" for it to ever be a good thing.
I think the worst one I ever saw was Spawn, for S/Da. Spru is pretty terrible too, and Fungel.
Yep, hating there right along with you. Spike and Xander in spandex? Better. Spander? NSM.
Sorry, but any couple/threesome abbreviation that sounds like it needs to be treated with antibiotics is a real mood-killer.
Also, I don't think threesomes really lend themselves to that sort of thing. Spangel could be Spike/Angel OR Spike/Xander/Angel. Plus-- FUNGEL!?
That was pretty much my reaction.
More pimping. Amends the Next Time Post A-Nowish (Rain of Whatever) AtS 4x7, Sheila Perez and Te.
Wonderful Wes/Gunn. Lord, I miss those boys.
That was sweet.