I'm watching the Sentinel for the first time ever.
I love college, if only because it gave me people who have the same obsessions as me.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I'm watching the Sentinel for the first time ever.
I love college, if only because it gave me people who have the same obsessions as me.
Why, look at this entertaining story! About the captain of the Serendipity, who mentions his pal Booker! I wonder if, given the chance, the author would have called him Mel.
... at least there's no mention of a Rhielly or a watcher named Chiles.
Christ it's that short and some one can't figure out the basics of the show?
How can you expect him/her/it to know the names of the characters or ship when he/she/it can't even come up with Joss's name?
summary: based upon something I once read that the creator of Firefly said.
And notice -- s/he doesn't say she read Joss saying it. S/he read that Joss said it. Just a little detached from the show ... I'm quite impressed with it on that front.
Still think it reeks, though.
Meep! Snippet, spoilery for last night's Angel
I don't know if she'll polish it up, or if it really needs polishing. Ouch ouch ouch.
Interesting "definition of fanfic" stuff along with a reaction to the Iliad movie that made me giggle. Nov. 14th entry (it looks like the permalinks are only per-date.)
Damn them - how can they tell you who's scheduled for Achilles and not mention Patroclus? Wow. Man, I do hope this movie happens. BigGayLove-alicious. You could have some very nice Paris/Menalaus UST too. Oh, man. The number of slashable relationships/canonically gay relationships - oh, man. Wow. Sign me up now.
(Also? Yay Team Bloodshed! Bloom's so GOOD at getting all slaughtery. Fun fun fun!)
...I wonder if they'll include the Troilus/Creseyde thing?