Do people really get leapt upon and savaged like unto a defenseless gazelle if they say something negative about a popular piece of fanfic?
In my personal experience, not really. I've always recommended stuff with caveats like 'could use another beta pass' or 'fantastic right up until the ending, which I thought was OTT'. No story is perfect, but there are plenty that are worthwhile to read in spite of that, you know?
Most of what I encounter isn't direct -- it's passive-aggressive b.s. put where I'll see it, which is actually harder to ignore than the straight-on "omg ur page sux!" that floats my way every once in a while.
(But, I will agree with Dana on minions. People who actually have minions? That can be scary.)
Shrift is your human shield?
A little immolation is good for the soul!
Someone I know got very pissy when her fandom wasn't represented in one of the BSO updates a few months ago.
We get that, sometimes. We also get chastised occasionally for not recommending RPS.
Most of the feedback, when we get it, is positive. Maintaining a good rec site is hard, but dude, if we did it for the feedback and the glory and the status... uh, we would no longer be maintaining the frelling rec site, is what I'm saying.
Maintaining a good rec site is hard, but dude, if we did it for the feedback and the glory and the status... uh, we would no longer be maintaining the frelling rec site, is what I'm saying.
Hey, I saw you namechecked as a BNF somewhere earlier today. Alas, I don't remember where now, but it made me grin.
Shrift is so totally a BNF. And I would happily serve as her minion. Especially if it includes buying her drinks and encouraging her to write...
Hey, I saw you namechecked as a BNF somewhere earlier today.
This never fails to baffle me. Although considering my now limited Internet time, I'm sure I'll soon become That Evil Hellbitch Who Thinks She's Too Good to Answer E-mail.
I count pretty much any fanfic writer I've heard of and read enough to remember without actually posting with the a BNF. Shrift fulfilled that a long time ago.
she was a BNF. Now she's just the chick who is Dana and does everything, including slounging.
Shrift is so totally a BNF.
t digs a hole
t covers herself with leaves
t starts an LJ community to bitch anonymously about those damn BNFs who always go around covering themselves with leaves
Huh. I thought it was a BNF, but it's just a pile of leaves. This means I have to go back to badfic.
Because of his ministrations, she was twinkling like a planet in the black velvet firmament night, her light brighter than the closest celestial being to the earth, a cliche. She was humming like a cricket rubbing its back paws together in delight, filled with relish and satisfied appetite, every time he did that certain thing he did so well, pronounced that special ‘oh’ he uttered interminably, stereotypical.
I have...very little idea what's going on here.
She uttered while her voice was impracticably erotic, her mouth unfeasibly inviting, absolute lust pouring out of her pores.
I think Clearasil makes a product for that.
Next his hands were inside her pants, creeping slowly to the golden arches;
Yes, they're apparently going to McDonald's.