Because of his ministrations, she was twinkling like a planet in the black velvet firmament night, her light brighter than the closest celestial being to the earth, a cliche. She was humming like a cricket rubbing its back paws together in delight, filled with relish and satisfied appetite, every time he did that certain thing he did so well, pronounced that special ‘oh’ he uttered interminably, stereotypical.
I have...very little idea what's going on here.
She uttered while her voice was impracticably erotic, her mouth unfeasibly inviting, absolute lust pouring out of her pores.
I think Clearasil makes a product for that.
Next his hands were inside her pants, creeping slowly to the golden arches;
Yes, they're apparently going to McDonald's.
Next his hands were inside her pants, creeping slowly to the golden arches;
She whispered in his ear, "Would you like to supersize that?"
(To give credit where credit is due, that was DH's remark reading over my shoulder.)
You're sure this isn't some kind of AI, right, Dana?
She whispered in his ear, "Would you like to supersize that?"
t gasp
The suggestion that Michael's manhood is anything less than enormous...them's fighting words in Nikita fandom.
Now really tempted to write a story where Nikita's disappointed in the size of his dick.
You're sure this isn't some kind of AI, right, Dana?
Yes, we're sure. Even better, she's a lawyer.
And she's not doing this just to see how many people she can string along? Because, really, this seems like the worst use of vocabulary yet. I have this vision of someone hunkered over her desk wondering how badly she can use the word "interminably" without tipping her hand.
I love how eternally hope springs here. No, she's totally serious.
I totally just wrote a page of Ult. Spidey/Batverse.
I need help, beacsue that's BAD and WRONG.
When I leave work in half an hour, I'll post it in my LJ.
Be warned: I am a crackhead.
Speaking of LJs...not that I'm whoring for feedback or anything, but I posted about 50K of Firefly in mine. Mal/Simon. But everyone's in it.
Incidentally, managing a crew of nine people? Hard. I can't imagine how the writers managed it every week.