And for those of you who are reading along, Minnow just posted another piece of those Things Left Undone stories, set after Not Fade Away. This one's a heartbreaker.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
This one's a heartbreaker.
As opposed to?
I just read them all in one batch, and I shouldn't have.
re: the story--crap, I was wondering about the poor Burckles.
I just read them all in one batch, and I shouldn't have.
t hands ita a hankie
t sobs messily
Dana, I got your email, and if I don't get comments to you tonight, I should have them back to you sometime tomorrow.
Damn, but those post-finale snippets are heartbreaking.
JKR approves of fanfic, but not the dirty stuff. A few notable quotes from the article:
TV programmes such as Doctor Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Star Trek are among the most popular sources of fan fiction.
Dr. Who?
The spokesman at the literary agency stressed that copyright in the Harry Potter series and characters remained with Rowling and trademarks with Warner Bros.
"Hopefully the fan fiction will help people become writers in their own right," he said.
t snarl
Um, because ficcers aren't writers. We're merely monkeys with typewriters.
t sigh
It's too early to snarl, yet, I haven't had my first cup of tea. And what's worse, we're out of milk for said tea. My life, she is a difficult one.
Eh, whatever.
Hey, did you read the post RE the HP actors that just got linked to off of metablog? Very odd. You know, when I say something like "wow, X is hot" I mean, er, that I think they're hot. That seems fairly straightforward. But apparently there are vast numbers of people who don't mean any such thing.
I like the whole Dr. Who fandom. Okay, I just like the fact that they are called Whovians.
Whovians. What a fun name! The show of Doctor Who freaked me out so bad when I was 8 that I don't think I have watched it since. I had nightmares about invisible monsters that came to kill the descendants of astronauts who had crash-landed on some foreign planet.