Um, because ficcers aren't writers. We're merely monkeys with typewriters.
t sigh
It's too early to snarl, yet, I haven't had my first cup of tea. And what's worse, we're out of milk for said tea. My life, she is a difficult one.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Um, because ficcers aren't writers. We're merely monkeys with typewriters.
t sigh
It's too early to snarl, yet, I haven't had my first cup of tea. And what's worse, we're out of milk for said tea. My life, she is a difficult one.
Eh, whatever.
Hey, did you read the post RE the HP actors that just got linked to off of metablog? Very odd. You know, when I say something like "wow, X is hot" I mean, er, that I think they're hot. That seems fairly straightforward. But apparently there are vast numbers of people who don't mean any such thing.
I like the whole Dr. Who fandom. Okay, I just like the fact that they are called Whovians.
Whovians. What a fun name! The show of Doctor Who freaked me out so bad when I was 8 that I don't think I have watched it since. I had nightmares about invisible monsters that came to kill the descendants of astronauts who had crash-landed on some foreign planet.
Dr. Who?
t pushes that pile of paper further into the back of the file cabinet where it belongs
Nothing to see here, move along. Really.
Hey, did you read the post RE the HP actors that just got linked to off of metablog? Very odd.
Oh, yes. I mean, really. "Hot" means, "I'd shag him," in my interpretation. Or, at the very least, that he exudes sexual energy. I don't, for instance, find Orlando Bloom hot, just pretty. Viggo as Aragorn, however... t fans self
So, yeah. If you're gonna call a 13-year-old hot, be aware of what it sounds like.
Dr. Who?
It's the first fanfic I ever became aware of -- she is British, after all.
I have a couple Who writers on my FList. It's still a big fandom over there, strange and ancient.
Squicky -- that's what it sounds like.
Unless, of course, you are also 13 or thereabouts.
(Connie! The picture on the RotK disc -- Aragorn with Anduril held up - you know the one -- you can just see the hilts of the sword. Mmmm.)
The picture on the RotK disc -- Aragorn with Anduril held up - you know the one -- you can just see the hilts of the sword. Mmmm
t blinks
Where were we?
Oh, right. Cool article here. Interview with some women sf/fantasy writers, and the conversation wanders into the realm of slash and H/C. Pamela Dean comes up with the most concise definition of H/C I've ever seen. Also accurate.
Oh, that Connie. I was going, "Where we talking about swords? I was talking to her in another thread, am I lost?" Some days my brain isn't functioning in true multi-tasking mode.