Do "Absolution".
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Which would be pathetically easy, as I still have all the commented beta versions.
(Like my crisper, my writing directory contains things long past their sell-by date.)
(I probably will, because it had notes and outlines)
My writing commentary for just about any of my stories would go something like:
huh, oh! yeah... and then... oh!.. .but what happens.. OH!..... yeah!
Heh. My father had spam yesteday from Angel Rosenberg. Now there's a badfic waiting to happen.
the sort that turns otherwise rational people into insecure whingers.
t hand up
I went ahead and annotated one of my fics and posted it on my live journal.
Huh. This meme sounds like, well it sounds like a marvelous opportunity for self-aggrandizement, or a marvelous opportunity for self-flagellation, depending on who tries it out.
I guess I'm pleasantly surprised at the restraint I've seen in the commentaries I have seen thus far.
I don't think I'd know what to say in a commentary. I get nervous enough putting the stuff out there, I don't think I'm ready to say "I put this phrase in because I think Willow watched that show when she was a kid" or "this is purely a piece of beefcake exploitation, but I think that's obvious."
I could do it...but would anyone care? I'm thinking, nsm.
I just posted one. It took me many, many hours to write, and I think the only reason I was brave enough to do it is because I'm completely zotzed on cold medicine and whiskey.
It helps that it was a "five things" story, so it was one of a handful of stories where I actually had something to say beyond, "It seemed like a good idea at the time?"