Can anybody recomend some good, non-spuffy post-chosen fic?
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
There's a whole archive of it somewhere (well, there's a fair amount of the Sp word), err.
[link] is post-Chosen B/F.
Just finished watching all the Fireflies with commentary, after watching them all in intended order, and now i'm so sad. And thinking that some good Firefly fic might help ease the pain a little. Especially Kaylee/Simon becuase of how they never got to kiss and i'm a big ol' schmoop. sigh. Anybody have any good recs?
Kaylee/Simon? I'd have to recommend Tara LJC, particularly "That Old Yeh Shen Story" although all of her stuff is excellent.
I'd also check out The Cortex, which is LJC's Firefly rec site -- she's very keen on Simon/Kaylee.
Just seconding Shrift's rec, especially for "That Old Yeh Shen Story." But it's not just Simon/Kaylee - I think Tara really nails the feel of the show in her fic.
Thank you so much Shrift and Snacky!
Phil, the first that comes to mind is Kyra Cullinan's Five Futures Full of Alcohol and Sex (which has a new commentary track I was reading just last night, which made me think of it): B/W, B/X, B/G, and B/A/S.
Second is Wiseacress, who has written a hell of a lot of post-Chosen fic, mostly S/X. Posted in her livejournal, for the most part.
Wow. How much do l love the idea of commentary tracks? I've never seen one done for a fic before, but I love it. I love hearing how an author thinks about his or her work.
It's a new LJ meme. I like the idea, too.
I've enjoyed reading what people have had to say.
Still, it's a nerve-wracking "no one on EARTH will want to see a commentary for one of my things!" meme, the sort that turns otherwise rational people into insecure whingers.
Err, you know. In theory. Not that I'm speaking from experience. Err...