I don't think I'd know what to say in a commentary. I get nervous enough putting the stuff out there, I don't think I'm ready to say "I put this phrase in because I think Willow watched that show when she was a kid" or "this is purely a piece of beefcake exploitation, but I think that's obvious."
'Conviction (1)'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I could do it...but would anyone care? I'm thinking, nsm.
I just posted one. It took me many, many hours to write, and I think the only reason I was brave enough to do it is because I'm completely zotzed on cold medicine and whiskey.
It helps that it was a "five things" story, so it was one of a handful of stories where I actually had something to say beyond, "It seemed like a good idea at the time?"
I hope mine didn't sound too self-aggrandizing. I basically went through and explained what I was thinking as I wrote the story and why I made certain choices.
I love reading other people's commentaries, BTW. It's like watching a CD with the audio commentary.
Speranza posted one for "Kowalski is Burning" and it was absolutely fascinating. It also makes me want to cut off my hands and burn my keyboard, becasue I'm never going to be as good a writer.
Because I am fad-girl I'm going to do one for "Sweets To the Sweet" I think.
It also makes me want to cut off my hands and burn my keyboard, becasue I'm never going to be as good a writer.
She's like that. She's also gorgeous, intelligent, witty, and a Fraser who bagged her Kowalski through sheer force of will.
In fact, she is ita-like in that she's "too cool too exist" and "I'd hate her if she wasn't so amazing."
Le sigh.
Gaaaah. t hurries off to kill self
I shouldn't have read that. Now I don't think I'll ever write again.
It helps that it was a "five things" story,
Speranza posted one for "Kowalski is Burning" and it was absolutely fascinating.
!!!!! shrift and Speranza did these stories?
I am actually flushed with anticipation. Awww man. I want to read them right now. I must write this paper first, though, because I am virtuous and shit.
I'd love to take part in the director's-commentary meme, too, but I also think no one would be interested-- plus there's the part where despite the fact that I believe I have something like seven (which isn't even a lot) published stories, only two or three of them ever really got off my hard drive and only one of them has been at all widely read (and even that was like six months ago). So! ... Anybody want to trade favors and egg each other onto doing it?