Phil, the first that comes to mind is Kyra Cullinan's Five Futures Full of Alcohol and Sex (which has a new commentary track I was reading just last night, which made me think of it): B/W, B/X, B/G, and B/A/S.
Second is Wiseacress, who has written a hell of a lot of post-Chosen fic, mostly S/X. Posted in her livejournal, for the most part.
Wow. How much do l love the idea of commentary tracks? I've never seen one done for a fic before, but I love it. I love hearing how an author thinks about his or her work.
It's a new LJ meme. I like the idea, too.
I've enjoyed reading what people have had to say.
Still, it's a nerve-wracking "no one on EARTH will want to see a commentary for one of my things!" meme, the sort that turns otherwise rational people into insecure whingers.
Err, you know. In theory. Not that I'm speaking from experience. Err...
Which would be pathetically easy, as I still have all the commented beta versions.
(Like my crisper, my writing directory contains things long past their sell-by date.)
(I probably will, because it had notes and outlines)
My writing commentary for just about any of my stories would go something like:
huh, oh! yeah... and then... oh!.. .but what happens.. OH!..... yeah!
Heh. My father had spam yesteday from Angel Rosenberg. Now there's a badfic waiting to happen.
I went ahead and annotated one of my fics and posted it on my live journal.