She snuggled further into the red satin linen covering the round bed and her nubile body while she held tightly the shimmering material against her heaving bosom and let out an expressive sigh. The whole scenario resembled an innocent script from a steamy romance novella and the naiveté of both characters bemused the quiet watcher who enjoyed the untainted show. The owner of the vaporous eyes, desire reigned in, spoke in his divine accented tone, almost in a whisper seeking consent from the nervous and equally aroused young bride, requesting access to the marital berth.
Michael usually would not have capitulated to his appetites, he was too controlled and disciplined for that kind of untrammeled behavior, however, he had never met a woman that disquieted him as much as Nikita did. Since learning about her from his step-mother, Michael had been intrigued, enraptured and hungry to learn every nuance that was this beauty, but then he met her and his world turned on its axis until now he stood before her like a sailor with a fistful of $5 bills.
She fidgeted in the bed as an inescapable urgency overtook all rational thought and she spontaneously laughed, not meaning to insult or add levity to this awkward moment and make it worst, she thought, by the nonsense she uttered next. “Bwahahaha, sorry.” She further laughed; not able to stop the giggling childlike reaction to the flawless male’s more-than-perfect anatomy.
A series of well placed thrusts, hips grinding against each other, well lubricated gifted parts dancing in unison, universal movements perfected by the lucky pair and then Nirvana achieved and Utopia conquered. The hands that linked together with the long fingers intertwined were extended over her head and promptly lost color for the force in which they held each other was equivalent to melting into each other’s skin. The digits that dipped and fondled in rhythmic synchronization with the thrusting member heightened the awareness of the couple’s senses. The female grip, unusually strong, that like a ring encircled the neck of the precocious penis was allowing a heightened feeling of wealth, so the member grew in value, in strength.
And Nikita, who was ‘orgasming’ repeatedly, not able to stop the sensation awoken by the masterful gent, created a linguistic fabrication, turning a simple act into a well conjugated verb. As the lovers moved rapidly to individual culmination they first joined forces and achieved completion as one, in an absolute peek of perfected zenith. Michael and Nikita were World Series champs, Florida Marlins moving quickly from Triple A to ‘The Show’, and as in all moments of perfection, Heaven wept and the Angels sang. “I love you, I honestly love you…”