Michael is just not that attractive. I mean, he has no facial expressions!
Hush your mouth! He's a stud.
And he gets facial expressions around his wife and child, or when he's lost his memory.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Michael is just not that attractive. I mean, he has no facial expressions!
Hush your mouth! He's a stud.
And he gets facial expressions around his wife and child, or when he's lost his memory.
I'm thinking my badfic hunts should be restricted to fandoms I'm not in.
Because this stuff is comedy gold, and I'm not going to have to hunt through a dozen or so pairings I find distasteful just to find the one piece of suck I can stand.
Ask permission, I think, Tep. Although that's funny, cause when I wrote Bayliss/Willow they were all "Can I touch you here?" Cause they were both awkward and geekish and wanting to Get it Right(and both pre- gay and bi respectively.)
who was ‘orgasming’ repeatedly
Oh, oh.
It's the 'orgasming' that makes it.
I know. I envision Nikita taking time out to make the air quotes motion with her hands.
I envision Nikita taking time out to make the air quotes motion with her hands."Ohh! Uhhh! Oooh! ggnnnngghh! Oh, God, I'm 'orgasming'!" She cried, tweaking her fingers in an air-quotes gesture that was cut short in mid-tweak by yet another powerful wave of passion.
Ah. Okay, see, I haven't seen those episodes. So I'll take your word for it. (But... squinty little eyes! The mullet! Though I possibly don't have a lot of ground to stand on with the mullet, since I think MacGyver-era RDA is reasonably attractive.)
(Er, that was directed to ita.)
Dana, are these all from one story?
Okay, the red satin linen is funny, but this one makes me howl:
The owner of the vaporous eyes
If there's anything I find sexy, it's staring into the empty eyesockets of my beloved while her eyes stare back at me from a cloud of steam hovering near the ceiling.
Dana, are these all from one story?
You bet. Although really, all her sex scenes in all her stories are like this. It's really kinda fun.