It just irks, because it's the same person's "You're all mean to my ship. Why don't you do this like my other fandom? The way you do things in the Buffy fandom is DUMB", and when she got twisty knickers over something I said about that matter, I emailed her offlist. No response, and then, despite my off list clarification, she had to go be snarky at me some more. So, fuck that shit.
Now I'm Miss Knotty Panties. HAHAHAHA.
edited because I think I used to speak AND write English, evidence against me notwithstanding.
My OTP is me/delete key.
I'd ask to tag this if only it were true - alas for my lack of self-control!
My OTP is me/delete key.
You are soooo wise.
But, now things are starting to get fun, in a traffic wreck way.
Also, I think the Plaid Adder may be underestimating the influence of finance on "literary publishing" and/or overestimating the profit motive for genre publishers.
I get the BBF list on digest---on the yahoo account I'm locked out of so I wont' see this all until tomorrow.
If it makes you feel better, ita, I *teach* literature and I don't get the category of literary fiction. It seems kinda redundant, since all fiction is literature, isn't it? I mean, I guess not all literature is fiction, but then there's perfectly fine names for the other categories, like poetry, biography, etc.
I've gone on digest on BBF, and it's doing wonders toward tampering my urge to reach into the screen and strangle random moronsstrangers. This way, you still get the URLs in your inbox for fic you may want to read, with considerable lessening of the annoyance factor.
Anyway. The het/slash (but not in a porny way) debate seems to have died down. Now, it's just one person with a persecution complex making ripples in the water.
Someone remind me to breathe? And to remember it's just a list
I have a highly developed and near-legendary ability to ignore that which displeases me, thus I'm watching the BBF thing with a distant, old-timery BOFQ amusement.
It's always nice when people make themselves look incredibly biased, ignorant, and immature all by themselves.
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Or maybe that's the whiskey.
Put on some Depeche Mode, pour yourself a boilermaker, and write the fic that makes people cry. That's what I'm doing.
Put on some Depeche Mode, pour yourself a boilermaker, and write the fic that makes people cry. That's what I'm doing.
Single malt, and I think I'm gonna watch me some 5 x 5. Mmm. Torture.