Someone remind me to breathe? And to remember it's just a list
I have a highly developed and near-legendary ability to ignore that which displeases me, thus I'm watching the BBF thing with a distant, old-timery BOFQ amusement.
It's always nice when people make themselves look incredibly biased, ignorant, and immature all by themselves.
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Or maybe that's the whiskey.
Put on some Depeche Mode, pour yourself a boilermaker, and write the fic that makes people cry. That's what I'm doing.
Put on some Depeche Mode, pour yourself a boilermaker, and write the fic that makes people cry. That's what I'm doing.
Single malt, and I think I'm gonna watch me some 5 x 5. Mmm. Torture.
I thought it was *Bitchy* Old Fic Queen.
I thought it was *Bitchy* Old Fic Queen.
The term is usually used in a derogatory sense, and has traditionally been Bitter Old Fic Queen.
Some of us have tried to reclaim the BOFQ title, and substituted Bitchy for the B, since I'm not so much Bitter as Crankily Been There and Done That and Here's My Frickin' T-shirt, ifyouknowwhatImean.
Is it time to google JennyO's original rant? Quite possibly. But I quite consciously wear the BOFQ title.
Ah -- I got "Bitchy" from Shrift. I knew it came from somewhere.
Is it time to google JennyO's original rant? Quite possibly. But I quite consciously wear the BOFQ title.
I think so.
Life is better with alcohol. Thank you, Shrift. I *heart* you.