Put on some Depeche Mode, pour yourself a boilermaker, and write the fic that makes people cry. That's what I'm doing.
Single malt, and I think I'm gonna watch me some 5 x 5. Mmm. Torture.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Put on some Depeche Mode, pour yourself a boilermaker, and write the fic that makes people cry. That's what I'm doing.
Single malt, and I think I'm gonna watch me some 5 x 5. Mmm. Torture.
Bitter Old Fic Queen.
Bitter Old Fic Queen.
t edit yeah.
I thought it was *Bitchy* Old Fic Queen.
I thought it was *Bitchy* Old Fic Queen.
The term is usually used in a derogatory sense, and has traditionally been Bitter Old Fic Queen.
Some of us have tried to reclaim the BOFQ title, and substituted Bitchy for the B, since I'm not so much Bitter as Crankily Been There and Done That and Here's My Frickin' T-shirt, ifyouknowwhatImean.
Is it time to google JennyO's original rant? Quite possibly. But I quite consciously wear the BOFQ title.
Ah -- I got "Bitchy" from Shrift. I knew it came from somewhere.
Is it time to google JennyO's original rant? Quite possibly. But I quite consciously wear the BOFQ title.
I think so.
Life is better with alcohol. Thank you, Shrift. I *heart* you.
There are people who can write Draco/Riley and make it believable, and there are people who write Buffy/Spike in a way that makes me want to loofah my brain.
shrift, I wish to tag this, please.
I'd be interested to see say Vamp!Willow and Dru together.
Minor self-pimping: I thought so too.
I have written (mostly badly) both canon and non-canon, slash and het pairings. I like good writing in all pairings, but I don't even look for it in pairings that don't intrest me. I nearly completely ignore the existance of fic with no pairing, because... because... just because.
Rebecca, how can you not read f/sf at all? How can you not find Giles sexy? ::comes over all faint at the thought. Um... Giles. Nummy.::
I'm with ita (and others)- I'd like some clarification. I think I probably do read literary fiction as well as fantasy, but I'd like some titles because I suspect that British bookshops classify differently to American ones.