Connie, I read that on Secret Slasha. Tis not me.
Lou Pearlman/Justin Timberlake.
Eww. We have a winner.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Connie, I read that on Secret Slasha. Tis not me.
Lou Pearlman/Justin Timberlake.
Eww. We have a winner.
You really can't top that one, can you?
EDIT: Please, GOD, let no one ever top that one.
Simon/Simon wins hands down. Incest!slash. EW.
Of course I'm entirely planning to include arachnid multi-gender incest slash in my next story. So, um. Never mind.
Spider slash. I'll be over here with the Raid.
Also, may I just say that I find the "what if they knew I didn't enjoy slash?" fear absolutely hysterical, since I've been called all sorts of interesting names simply for writing it?
It is hysterical. Things have changed a lot since I started doing this three or four years ago.
Oh, god Dana, I had blocked out all Dief slash out of my mind.
But there's also Rayk/Dief.
From Clarissa Explains It All: Sam/Ferguson.
I like some slash, both m and f. I think het's still my fave, though.But my attitudes about sex in general have changed a lot with fanfic. I like Te, Herself, and well most of my favorites are Bitches.SA, did I ever tell you how much I liked your "Good Will Hunting" fic? Cause I did. People who are good at it make writing within a genre look so easy. But it's more difficult than it looks.
Thanks, Erika! I didn't realize anyone even read it.