Thanks, Erika! I didn't realize anyone even read it.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Neal Pollack is one of those intensely ironic writers where very little, if any, of what he says can be taken at face value.
I've always found him very boring. But I'm just me.
And my standards for fic are not at all different to my standards for literary fiction which are not at all different to my standards for porn. It's got to be good, before I'll like or rec it, and I'm not generous about what makes something good. I'm downright nasty when I'm at home.
But if it's well-written, I'll read and love anything. I find it impossible to hate a pairing or situation, even one that squicks me, abstractly, in my own mind, when I find a story written beautifully for it.
Well, now you know.I still write little ficlets to prime the pump when I'm stuck in my own writing, but I think I haven't got a feel for it yet.One day, I'll share again.
SA, you are a bad, bad person. My childhood is forever tainted now!
What did I do? Maybe then I could be suitably ashamed.
From Clarissa Explains It All: Sam/Ferguson.
Isn't Ferguson, like, 10? Ewwwwwww. With a side of ick.
Isn't Ferguson, like, 10? Ewwwwwww. With a side of ick.
Oh. That. t grin
It was like, G rated.
Still oogy.
It was like, G rated.
What, the Sam/Ferguson? So it wasn't just gay pedophilic porn -- it was *clean* gay pedophilic porn?
In a way that's even squickier.