Simon/Simon wins hands down. Incest!slash. EW.
Of course I'm entirely planning to include arachnid multi-gender incest slash in my next story. So, um. Never mind.
Angel ,'Chosen'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Simon/Simon wins hands down. Incest!slash. EW.
Of course I'm entirely planning to include arachnid multi-gender incest slash in my next story. So, um. Never mind.
Spider slash. I'll be over here with the Raid.
Also, may I just say that I find the "what if they knew I didn't enjoy slash?" fear absolutely hysterical, since I've been called all sorts of interesting names simply for writing it?
It is hysterical. Things have changed a lot since I started doing this three or four years ago.
Oh, god Dana, I had blocked out all Dief slash out of my mind.
But there's also Rayk/Dief.
From Clarissa Explains It All: Sam/Ferguson.
I like some slash, both m and f. I think het's still my fave, though.But my attitudes about sex in general have changed a lot with fanfic. I like Te, Herself, and well most of my favorites are Bitches.SA, did I ever tell you how much I liked your "Good Will Hunting" fic? Cause I did. People who are good at it make writing within a genre look so easy. But it's more difficult than it looks.
Thanks, Erika! I didn't realize anyone even read it.
Neal Pollack is one of those intensely ironic writers where very little, if any, of what he says can be taken at face value.
I've always found him very boring. But I'm just me.
And my standards for fic are not at all different to my standards for literary fiction which are not at all different to my standards for porn. It's got to be good, before I'll like or rec it, and I'm not generous about what makes something good. I'm downright nasty when I'm at home.
But if it's well-written, I'll read and love anything. I find it impossible to hate a pairing or situation, even one that squicks me, abstractly, in my own mind, when I find a story written beautifully for it.
Well, now you know.I still write little ficlets to prime the pump when I'm stuck in my own writing, but I think I haven't got a feel for it yet.One day, I'll share again.