[eta-- all right, amyp or any other delicate-of-squick persons may not want to read that.]
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I can't keep up! going to bed now. Nighty RL.
(I think there should be a thread for RL's link list)
My, it's GWarlockSP.
RL, could you at least mark the fandom on the recs? I know, I know, but I am old and boring. Thanks -- i appreciate the links.
I've never written a topping Spike. Bitch has always bottomed. Even in Het stuff, he's bottomed.
No kidding? Weird. I mean, I can see him bottoming with Angelus, but he's *such* an alpha dog. Or at least all his posturing presents him as an alpha dog.
See, I think that you can be very firmly het and have one (or a few) person of the same sex that pings you. For me, Xander is straight, except where he likes to rub up against Spike. It makes perfect sense to me.
Me, too. I feel that way about Gunn/Wes. I don't think Gunn is gay, but he just belongs with Wes. Even now.
My Spike tops from the bottom, almost always. He's a real bottom to Angelus, but with Giles he'll top from the bottom- or bottom from the top, if Giles insists. He definately tops from the bottom with Drusilla- and I think he'd be the same with Xander.
Of course, it has been observed in Bitches that I'm the top-from-the-bottom kind myself, so this may influence it.
RL, could you at least mark the fandom on the recs?
Oh-- sorry, yes.