... I'll stop soon.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I can't keep up! going to bed now. Nighty RL.
(I think there should be a thread for RL's link list)
My, it's GWarlockSP.
RL, could you at least mark the fandom on the recs? I know, I know, but I am old and boring. Thanks -- i appreciate the links.
I've never written a topping Spike. Bitch has always bottomed. Even in Het stuff, he's bottomed.
No kidding? Weird. I mean, I can see him bottoming with Angelus, but he's *such* an alpha dog. Or at least all his posturing presents him as an alpha dog.
See, I think that you can be very firmly het and have one (or a few) person of the same sex that pings you. For me, Xander is straight, except where he likes to rub up against Spike. It makes perfect sense to me.
Me, too. I feel that way about Gunn/Wes. I don't think Gunn is gay, but he just belongs with Wes. Even now.
My Spike tops from the bottom, almost always. He's a real bottom to Angelus, but with Giles he'll top from the bottom- or bottom from the top, if Giles insists. He definately tops from the bottom with Drusilla- and I think he'd be the same with Xander.
Of course, it has been observed in Bitches that I'm the top-from-the-bottom kind myself, so this may influence it.
RL, could you at least mark the fandom on the recs?
Oh-- sorry, yes.
Or at least all his posturing presents him as an alpha dog.
Key word being posturing. But, of course, almost all the Spike stuff I've written was written post Season 6.
ION, my husband has outed me as a fanfic writer to my in-laws. They don't quite grok the concept, and he doesn't get why I'm somewhat steamed about him mentioning it.
I don't think Gunn is gay, but he just belongs with Wes. Even now.
And there was a really good slash essay the other day, that I'll see if I can dig up (here) about being gay versus what slash is.