As one of my friends put it, "I wondered why Xander was in so very many stories. And then I realized, well, someone has to be the bottom."
(Suddenly realizes that Xander hasn't ever bottomed in anything I've slashed him in. But he has gotten a lot of blow jobs.)
Xander hasn't ever bottomed in anything I've slashed him in.
I knew you were odd when you started posting Kissinger slash, but this is just too much! My world has been shattered.
Topping/Bottoming history in m/m slash. (Topping/Bottoming used loosely here.)
Billy Tallent - Manipulative bottom. See topping comma through.
Xander Harris - Closest he's come to topping is giving hand jobs.
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce - Switch.
Spike - Bottom.
Charles Gunn - Didn't get too specific, but Switch.
Angelus - Top.
I've never written a topping Spike. Bitch has always bottomed. Even in Het stuff, he's bottomed.
That was interesting for me, as somebody who's more "Slash? The hell?" than not.
As some one who's more "Slash? Duh." than not (for actually a host of carefully-reasoned intellectual reasons, but a different sort of reasons than W's, more meta and postmodern, really), that was really boring for me.
But. Ah. Not the point.
This is beautiful. And a very strange pairing. And it made me cry.
Beautiful and strange, didn't make me cry, but intriguing, yes.
How could it not make you cry? It made me cry at the past-future lines. Which I'm now wearing as a tagline.
I am a delicate little thing.
I'm not always sure what will make me cry. Sometimes, these days, stupid Hallmark commercials make me cry. Sorry.
See, I think that you can be very firmly het and have one (or a few) person of the same sex that pings you. For me, Xander is straight, except where he likes to rub up against Spike. It makes perfect sense to me.
I htink Xander's feelings for Spike--before Season 7, at least--involve contempt for the vampirism, envy for the cooler-than-thou-ness, remembered hatred for all the people who mocked him and beat him up, and grudging pity for something which used to be strong but is now weakened. Xander's essentially a good guy, and Spike's helplessness would inspire both a desire to take advantage and a desire to protect. And maybe simple fascination about someone who still has the air of power and danger. Spike is leashed, but the leash could fail. Xander wonders how close he'll be when the leash finally goes, and will he have been throwing a rock in torment or trying to give comfort?
Dichotomies everywhere, lovely things.