Huh. I always said it as rhyming with Layla in my head and I figured I'd end up being corrected because it was really something altered or Welsh and obvious to all those truly educated.
Buffybot ,'Dirty Girls'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Someone once accused me of being Shrift because my site is hosted on Shriftweb.
Yeah? Ha! Who?
It amuses me greatly to see things like this. Because I already do an insane amount of fannish crap, and I don't understand how people could think I'd have the time to construct alternate identities.
Someone on ATF, when I posted there last spring to scold them for badmouthing Maayan for being French and having opinions.
I've since given up: I don't like that place and I no longer care what they think. And the demand that the Save Farscape Team must give up its anonymity in order to have any credibility on the campaign makes me want to bite nails and spit them at people. Not everyone has the ability to post publicly on fannish topics under their full legal name, folks. Feh.
Someone on ATF, when I posted there last spring to scold them for badmouthing Maayan for being French and having opinions.
Who in the hell would know who I am on ATF? I'm just saying. I've never been an active participant in X-Files fandom, except for one still unfinished Spike/Krycek story.
Unless, of course, I have a sock puppet that secretly writes X-Files fic and causes mucho trouble.
t rolls eyes
I love the idea of scolding someone for being French. "You have a language that I get very self-conscious when I try to pronounce!" (And thank you for that, amych.) "You eat snails! You have silly politics!"
I never sought to make you self-conscious. Anyway, you once told me I looked funny speaking French, so I think we're even.
You told me I spoke French like a Spanish cow! Now I can't have lunch at Balthazar's takeout place without going "uh... you know, the ham sammich" instead of "jambon beurre." I'm going to record you saying it over the phone and take it in with me next time.
Everyone looks funny speaking French. Because it's French! That's funny.
Oh, dear. I don't remember that at all -- was I stoned or anything like that? Please say there's some excuse.
I'm hideously ashamed now.
We were stoned all the time. Especially the cat.
And "Tu parles francais comme une vache espagnole" (sp?) is, if I recall your explanation correctly, the colloquial expression for "you speak French with a Spanish accent." Which you claimed I did.
because I've just gotten this delightful email suggesting that instead of my normal crappy style, I imitate this other writer, who just also happens to be me. I could start the most pointless flame war ever, even scarier than the fight about Xena's methods of sanitation.
Madrigal, by the way, have I mentioned, I really, really, really, really want to read your fic.