Oh, dear. I don't remember that at all -- was I stoned or anything like that? Please say there's some excuse.
I'm hideously ashamed now.
'Heart Of Gold'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Oh, dear. I don't remember that at all -- was I stoned or anything like that? Please say there's some excuse.
I'm hideously ashamed now.
We were stoned all the time. Especially the cat.
And "Tu parles francais comme une vache espagnole" (sp?) is, if I recall your explanation correctly, the colloquial expression for "you speak French with a Spanish accent." Which you claimed I did.
because I've just gotten this delightful email suggesting that instead of my normal crappy style, I imitate this other writer, who just also happens to be me. I could start the most pointless flame war ever, even scarier than the fight about Xena's methods of sanitation.
Madrigal, by the way, have I mentioned, I really, really, really, really want to read your fic.
Who in the hell would know who I am on ATF
ATF, not ATXC. Alt.tv.farscape. I think they know of you from the Exodus From Genesis site, and Leviathan, of course.
2000 people on the Save Farscape mailing list. Oy. *boggles*
As I understand it, anything one does badly one does "comme une vache espagnole." Those cows have a lot to answer for.
I wonder if there's a language chain like "French letter/capote anglois" where the Spanish complain bitterly about French grapefruit or something?
Ah. Got confuzzled there. Hmm. Still, I've never been there, either.
I've decided that I'm going to write a weblog post wherein I simultaneously marvel that people think I have sockpuppets and bemoan the fact that I have no sock puppetry.
Because I had no idea people were running around accusing other people of being me. Really. And I have no idea why it would happen.
"you speak French with a Spanish accent."
Huh. When I took french (and already knew spanish), my teacher asked me if I had learned french in Quebec, because of this. Of course, I pointed out that if I"d learned French already, I wouldn't be in Intro French, but...
I have one pseud, mostly. Sometimes someone else already has my pseud. So I add "-girl" or "-grrl" or something to it.
But I am getting quite confused by all these changing pseuds!
I think I would have been up shit creek if I'd tried to find a town in New Jersey that starts with Vee.
Vernon? Verona? Veehauken!
OK, that's stretching it a bit.
I pretty much have two pseuds that I use. Hil R. is an actual nickname plus a letter that I can sort of claim as a last initial, though it isn't the one I actually use. Then I've got another that's just sort of derived from my actual name in a weird, roundabout logic that doesn't really make much sense unless you know all the intervening steps, so it doesn't really look much like "Hil R." at all. Right now, that one's just used for my LiveJournal, though I've used it for a few other random things before.
I'm s.a. in real life and online. It's technically a nickname, not a pseud, but there's no distinguishing factor between RL and net.
I'm s.a. in real life and online.
Really? So your friends call you ess ay? That's pretty cool.