What color ribbon should we make for Liz Taylor to wear?
Spike would vote for Black and red- and nothing but the ribbon.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
What color ribbon should we make for Liz Taylor to wear?
Spike would vote for Black and red- and nothing but the ribbon.
It's all right, Susan, we still love you. Between you, who don't see it, and me, who writes the darn stuff, we're probably average.
No, no ... tell me it ain't so ... there are such afflicted people out in the world? There needs to be a fundraiser, a PBS telethon, something to help these people! What color ribbon should we make for Liz Taylor to wear?
Connie, Connie, Connie. They're just pre-slashers. It's okay. They'll grok the HoYay eventually.
I understand intellectually why other people are, but it's not a turn-on for me.
Fair enough. I understand interllectually that some people don't find the idea of two guys getting it together a turn-on. I'm just not one of them- but then, there are people who like RPF, people who can read things based on cartoons- which I don't and can't.
Connie, Fay and I are all falling over our x-posts in an attempt to say the same thing.
I was as you, Susan, I used to go "Slash, why bother?" Be warned, my dear, two people will show up on your TV and this unknown curtain in your mind will be drawn aside and you'll go, "Oh. That's slash."
But I still want to know who submitted my email address to teh Hot Boys website so that these very suprising pictures showed up in my in box with the note "This isn't spam! Your address was sent to us as someone who might be interested!"
I understand interllectually that some people don't find the idea of two guys getting it together a turn-on.
I only like slash if it's a pairing that seems obvious to me. Clark/Lex, Fraser/Ray K., etc. Spike/Xander is a moderately hard sell, and I prefer the S/X dynamic if it's presented as UST, but a good writer can get me believing in the pairing.
CSI or Harry Potter slash just confuses me.
I think there's some potential with the younger detectives on "Without a Trace."
Really, I'm boring in what I like in a pairing--I go for whatever female I most identify with, paired with whichever male I find most attractive. But, that's who I am, so I'll just continue to enjoy what I enjoy, march in the Vanilla Pride parade, etc.
But I still want to know who submitted my email address to teh Hot Boys website so that these very suprising pictures showed up in my in box with the note "This isn't spam! Your address was sent to us as someone who might be interested!"
Probably the same bastards who gave my address to the kind people who are so concerned about the size of my penis, and worry that I can't keep my woman happy unless I get it enlarged.
I mean, yeah, okay Mr Freud, there may be something to this penis envy business, what with the whole writing the boy-on-boy porn thing - but I honestly don't think anything the spam merchants are going to send me is going to enlarge my metaphorical penis to any kind of useful dimensions. Or indeed tangibility.
Lord, no, I don't want a penis, the very idea of something down there that moves around under its own inclination gives me the grue.
edit: And that whole thought should probably just go over to the Bitches.