Makes one's head spin, if one is also a student of (real) historical linguistics.
Makes my head spin, too. But sometimes in a good way. One day, I will study real linguistics. It's a dream of mine.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Makes one's head spin, if one is also a student of (real) historical linguistics.
Makes my head spin, too. But sometimes in a good way. One day, I will study real linguistics. It's a dream of mine.
(I'm still zinging with the realisation that Jason 'Luscious Malfoy' Isaacs is in a frock with MR in Sweet November. Going to have to see that movie.)
You see, ita? I told you. Perfect storm.
It's not a very becoming dress, I'm sorry to say. A man with shoulders like that shouldn't wear spaghetti straps.
Ah, well. If only I had time to do something with my HP plot bunny, since I've finally thought of a way to pull off an HP/Buffy crossover with Hermione coming to Sunnydale without making a terrible Mary Sue of it.
One day, I will study real linguistics. It's a dream of mine.
Am-Chau, I'm a student in the amateur, did-some-in-college, sometimes-take-a-night-class-now sense, rather than the erinaceous sense. I got a couple of books, I sat down and read them, I made a fool of myself writing flashcards and funny letters, and Bob was my uncle. Or continues to be my uncle. Next up: actually learning Latin beyond "In horto est puella, nomine Flavia." Not that girls in gardens aren't important.
I'm a student in the amateur, did-some-in-college, sometimes-take-a-night-class-now sense
And I'm a student in the I-bought-a-second-hand-book, I-read-most-of-it-and-then-haven't-found-time-to-actaully-finish-it-even-though-I-was-enjoying-it-on-the-days-I-felt-clever sense. So you beat me.
just because the idea of Spike/Xander doesn't turn me on.
No, no ... tell me it ain't so ... there are such afflicted people out in the world? There needs to be a fundraiser, a PBS telethon, something to help these people! What color ribbon should we make for Liz Taylor to wear?
What color ribbon should we make for Liz Taylor to wear?
Black (p)leather.
I'm just not into slash, period. I understand intellectually why other people are, but it's not a turn-on for me.
What color ribbon should we make for Liz Taylor to wear?
Spike would vote for Black and red- and nothing but the ribbon.
It's all right, Susan, we still love you. Between you, who don't see it, and me, who writes the darn stuff, we're probably average.