it's really hard to find anything at all if you don't much care what happens to Draco, or if you can live with Hermione/Ron but are more inclined to Hermione/Harry.
HP is a very young fandom, both in the sense that it hasn't been around that long, and in that the readers and writers seem to (on average, given what I know) be younger than in other fandoms. BtVS attracts a very wide range of people, of all sorts of ages and backgrounds, who therefore have very wide-ranging takes on the text: HP seems to appeal to a narrower band, who therefore produce a narrower range of fanfics. Just my ideas.
Also, HP isn't as subtext heavy as BtVS- Joss and co. seem to have a least thought about almost every pairing possible, and put some subtext in for them, while Rowling seems to me to be a bit thin of subtext, except for a limited range of pairings/characters.
Makes one's head spin, if one is also a student of (real) historical linguistics.
Makes my head spin, too. But sometimes in a good way. One day, I will study real linguistics. It's a dream of mine.
(I'm still zinging with the realisation that Jason 'Luscious Malfoy' Isaacs is in a frock with MR in Sweet November. Going to have to see that movie.)
You see, ita? I told you. Perfect storm.
It's not a very becoming dress, I'm sorry to say. A man with shoulders like that shouldn't wear spaghetti straps.
Ah, well. If only I had time to do something with my HP plot bunny, since I've finally thought of a way to pull off an HP/Buffy crossover with Hermione coming to Sunnydale without making a terrible Mary Sue of it.
One day, I will study real linguistics. It's a dream of mine.
Am-Chau, I'm a student in the amateur, did-some-in-college, sometimes-take-a-night-class-now sense, rather than the erinaceous sense. I got a couple of books, I sat down and read them, I made a fool of myself writing flashcards and funny letters, and Bob was my uncle. Or continues to be my uncle. Next up: actually learning Latin beyond "In horto est puella, nomine Flavia." Not that girls in gardens aren't important.
I'm a student in the amateur, did-some-in-college, sometimes-take-a-night-class-now sense
And I'm a student in the I-bought-a-second-hand-book, I-read-most-of-it-and-then-haven't-found-time-to-actaully-finish-it-even-though-I-was-enjoying-it-on-the-days-I-felt-clever sense. So you beat me.
just because the idea of Spike/Xander doesn't turn me on.
No, no ... tell me it ain't so ... there are such afflicted people out in the world? There needs to be a fundraiser, a PBS telethon, something to help these people! What color ribbon should we make for Liz Taylor to wear?
I'm just not into slash, period. I understand intellectually why other people are, but it's not a turn-on for me.
What color ribbon should we make for Liz Taylor to wear?
Spike would vote for Black and red- and nothing but the ribbon.