Because, unlike the original, the remake is entirely about what Neil Labutte thinks the world would be like if women were allowed to be in charge. Apparently it involves bees. And bad acting.
Did you have to watch it, Jess?
You know, before I saw the YouTube clip, I assumed Cage had taken on the role of Lord Summerisle. What weird casting.
Did you have to watch it, Jess?
Whaddya mean have to? It was the funniest movie of 2006!
How'd your meeting yesterday go?
t /natter
How'd your meeting yesterday go?
Great, I think. They've been calling my professional references today (I think to make sure my job is stable, since I work in "the arts"...), but didn't indicate that there would be a problem.
Whaddya mean have to? It was the funniest movie of 2006!
Hee. I just meant as a spousal obligation.
Great, I think. They've been calling my professional references today (I think to make sure my job is stable, since I work in "the arts"...), but didn't indicate that there would be a problem.
That's great!
I heard Neil LaBute was raised in a fundie mormon culture & this remake of Wicker Man is actually a thinly veiled critique of fundamentalism in general and mormonism in particular. Unfortunatley I haven't seen it.
Eh...I don't see it. Unless he thinks celebrating blatant raging misogyny is somehow a valid critique of fundamentalist Mormonism, in which case all of his movies count.
He's really sticking it to The Man, if by "The Man" you mean "women."
M. Night Shyamalan is apparently going to do a live-action version of Sunil's beloved "Avatar: The Last Airbender".
I keep expecting someone to tell me it's a joke. And I actually like M. Night, for the most part. But he and
go together like oil and...Satan.