Whaddya mean have to? It was the funniest movie of 2006!
Hee. I just meant as a spousal obligation.
Great, I think. They've been calling my professional references today (I think to make sure my job is stable, since I work in "the arts"...), but didn't indicate that there would be a problem.
That's great!
I heard Neil LaBute was raised in a fundie mormon culture & this remake of Wicker Man is actually a thinly veiled critique of fundamentalism in general and mormonism in particular. Unfortunatley I haven't seen it.
Eh...I don't see it. Unless he thinks celebrating blatant raging misogyny is somehow a valid critique of fundamentalist Mormonism, in which case all of his movies count.
He's really sticking it to The Man, if by "The Man" you mean "women."
M. Night Shyamalan is apparently going to do a live-action version of Sunil's beloved "Avatar: The Last Airbender".
I keep expecting someone to tell me it's a joke. And I actually like M. Night, for the most part. But he and
go together like oil and...Satan.
Cross posted to lj & F2F.
I just found out that omnis_audis has never seen Shaun of the Dead. We're watching it at my house Monday night unless someone with a bigger TV invites us over. Did any of you LAistas manage to miss this gem?
to be excited about the thought of a movie version of
The Dark is Rising.
Now, I'm just heartbroken.
Is that so the Dark can all be British, so the accents tell us who's evil? What about Merriman? Is he going to be American also? Maybe he'll be a Magical Negro (since they clearly haven't read the books).
And, why screw with the family dynamics?
I like this comment about Bran: "He's not albino, just really blond dude."
A roundup of the Newline/PJ squabble.
I used to be excited about the thought of a movie version of The Dark is Rising. Now, I'm just heartbroken.
I...but...what? Why? WHO? WHY WHY WHY?