My perception of Superman (from the comics on) is that he is wooden. Maybe boring is the more proper term. A boyscout. Not conflicted. Morally unambiguous. yawn
Which is why I loves me some Batman and Wolverine (x-posty with ita). Actually, not a big comics girl, but I like the characters so much more and would go see the putative Wolverine movie. I haven't seen any Superman movies past the first Reeve one.
(Favorite comic character is Desire, actually. Pure id! Love!)
Just off the top of my head, I love Before Sunrise, and there isn't much story there. Same with Dear Frankie or Hard Day's Night.
funny Bats and Wolfie were the first two that came to mind for me, even though I ganked all their nicknames from Spidey.
Lost in Translation
(is also a movie with a very simple story)
Just off the top of my head, I love Before Sunrise
I've wanted to see that.
Same with Dear Frankie or Hard Day's Night.
Haven't seen.
Lost in Translation (is also a movie with a very simple story)
And also a movie I didn't think was hot shit! Hm. There may be a pattern here after all. Le sigh.
Oh right, that brings to mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,
which, at its heart, is also a very simple story, but I loved it. Maybe I require non-linear narrative to hide simplicity. But I hated
21 Grams.
Me neither. Hated it.
I didn't hate it, really, and I loved a couple moments, but I left wondering what all the fuss was about.
Same with Dear Frankie
Oh! Did you cry during this, can I ask? A friend of mine suggested we watch it when I was staying with her one night, and she introduced it in a way that made me think it was going to be this froofy, light, romantic comedy type of thing. And I sobbed pretty much through the second half.
I *liked* it, but I felt as if we'd watched two different movies -- she couldn't understand my reaction (but said her sister's had been the same), and I couldn't understand why she wasn't more affected by Frankie's vulnerability and everything that went on.
What did you
haterz think of
The Virgin Suicides?
I have not seen it, but I am wary!
Another movie that came to mind was
Garden State,
but I think that actually has a pretty strong story, for the most part. It has a drive, and there's definite character change, and all that. So it worked enough for me.