My biggest problem with SR (I rewatched this weekend as well) was that Kate Bosworth was too young.
Totally agree, though it (surprisingly) didn't actively bother me while I was watching it.
I was initially concerned about Routh because I didn't know if he could carry the film, but he really impressed me.
I would agree wholeheartedly with that.
I was initially concerned about Routh because I didn't know if he could carry the film, but he really impressed me.
Me, NSM. I thought he
a good Superman, but he seemed a little wooden to me. Still, I enjoyed the movie and loved
Kitty dumping the extra crystals out of the helicopter.
I think Superman is a bit wooden.
Not in the comics he isn't. Christopher Reeves wasn't wooden, nor was Dean Cain.
I was a bit woden for Dean Cain.
My perception of Superman (from the comics on) is that he is wooden. Maybe boring is the more proper term. A boyscout. Not conflicted. Morally unambiguous. yawn
So it's been annoying me that I wasn't bowled over by
Children of Men
like I was supposed to be. Although I could just have a Cuarón block, since I didn't think
Y Tu Mamá También
was hot shit either. The problem with CoM for me was that everything was great except for the story, which was pretty much nonexistent. And I like stories. It's my thing. The same thing, a friend of mine noted, is wrong with
The Fountain:
the narrative isn't very strong. And I don't know, I'm trying to think of movies I like that have had very simple stories because I'm sure there are some.
What are some great movies whose stories are pretty much "Some guy saves a girl, and that's it" or "A man meets a woman," and why do they transcend it? For you, at least, because I want to see if any of the movies you come up with are ones I like too.
I am totally a Batman or Wolverine girl, and snark on Superman with that criticism, but I can't back that up with recent well-written text (recent being 20 or so years). He bores me, mostly. Although I did recently get hooked on Action Comics, weirdly.