late to the party but it only opened here a couple of weeks ago and, well... I saw
Pirates 2
last night, and I think I have a definitive answer to the question Hec posed way back when about why Jack returns to the Pearl at the end:
He wants his hat back
So sad--Bruno Kirby died at the age of 57 from leukemia.
ETA: that article doesn't mention one of my all-time favorite films, The Freshman.
Woohoo! Emily and I have tickets to see Snakes on a Plane tomorrow night.
Oops, sorry-- Emily and I have motherfucking tickets to see Mother fucking Snakes on a motherfucking Plane tomorrow night.
Lord of the Rings may return to theaters in 3D
Speaking of which, at the 3D showing of
Monster House
(which was good, incidentally) they had a trailer for the 3D version of
Nightmare Before Christmas
which is coming out to theaters this fall.
I have a Reservior Dogs question becaue it's been yonks since I've seen it and I can't remember and MM and I are disagreeing.
Where was Mr. Pink at the end that he got out without being shot?
He was under the ramp and ran out with the booty. Just before the shootings, I think.
Where was Mr. Pink at the end that he got out without being shot?
Don't you guys have that one in your collection?