He was under the ramp and ran out with the booty. Just before the shootings, I think.
He was under the ramp, cowering because everybody was about to start shooting at each other. He only ran out after the big shoot out, but before Mr. White shoots Mr. Orange after he confesses to being a cop.
Emily and I just got back from seeing SoaP. We even had our eyes uncovered for most... about half...some of it.
Is it worth any money as a movie or simply a cultural phenomenon?
Dude. Snakes. Plane. Of COURSE it's worth money as a movie.
t /Has watched Attack of the Killer Shrews AIWFG
Has watched Attack of the Killer Shrews AIWFG
But wouldn't it have been even more FG if it were Attack of the Killer Shrews ON A PLANE?
DH has to email me back to see when/where we're going tonight.
Possibly my favorite line from a review EVER:
This is the snakiest plane movie and the planeiest snake movie ever made.
ETA: I actually really like The whole review.
It's basically a movie about two questions:
1. What is the meaning of life? Oh, sorry, wrong movie. I meant to say, how many places can snakes be on a plane and how many places on a body can they bite? Answer: all of them
2. What items on a plane can be used to combat, destroy, and barricade oneself from snakes? Answer: More than you'd think
I just finished Anthony Rapp's (Mark Cohen in the original Broadway cast of Rent) memoir, Without You. I am finally ready to watch the movie, I think.
I expect I'll be crying soon.
I have been listening to that on tape-- with Anthony Rapp reading. I am enjoying it thusfar!
It's good.
10 minutes in, and I'm already wondering about some of the decisions. The order is slightly different and it leads to redundancies. Why couldn' they leave it in the original order?
I am quite liking the bits where they speak lines that were song originally, but in the same rhythm. That works well.
Okay, no more Rent thoughts until I'm done. This isn't the musicals thread.