[delayed comprehension slaps me around]
Oh. Now that I've read Bureau.... my comment about proselytizing was maybe 1% annoyance and 99% teasing. I apologize, because I think it sounded like the percentages were the other way around. I like reading the discussions here, even if (sometimes particularly if) they're about things I haven't seen. That's more likely to intrigue me than insisting -- but my mulishness is my own problem, obviously.
And for fear of dragging things off-topic again, I'll just say thanks, Gris & P-C.
Ok, did anyone know you can go to the SoaP website and send personalized, talking emails and phone calls from Samuel L Jackson to people? It's Funny As Shit.
Yes. I love it.
"Snakes on a Plane may very well be the BEST MOVIE EVER MADE. It's
late to the party but it only opened here a couple of weeks ago and, well... I saw
Pirates 2
last night, and I think I have a definitive answer to the question Hec posed way back when about why Jack returns to the Pearl at the end:
He wants his hat back
So sad--Bruno Kirby died at the age of 57 from leukemia.
ETA: that article doesn't mention one of my all-time favorite films, The Freshman.
Woohoo! Emily and I have tickets to see Snakes on a Plane tomorrow night.
Oops, sorry-- Emily and I have motherfucking tickets to see Mother fucking Snakes on a motherfucking Plane tomorrow night.
Lord of the Rings may return to theaters in 3D
Speaking of which, at the 3D showing of
Monster House
(which was good, incidentally) they had a trailer for the 3D version of
Nightmare Before Christmas
which is coming out to theaters this fall.