I saw it again last night, and I agree. The stuff Jack takes isn't important. The point of all that business is to show the necklace. I just read some speculation that she's Calypso, which seems quite on-the-nose. It also fits with her saying that Davy Jones's love was a woman or the sea, same thing.
Also, this time there was a Transformers teaser. We couldn't stop laughing. It looked like a Robot Chicken parody.
Best SOAP shirt so far.
Heh. We saw the poster up for it at the theater yesterday when we saw Pirates and stared at it reverently.
We saw the trailer when we went to Pirates yesterday. So. Good. Ben was kind of baffled that I was sitting there rubbing my hands together in glee.
Also, this time there was a Transformers teaser. We couldn't stop laughing. It looked like a Robot Chicken parody.
I had a similar reaction to that trailer.
I never thought about Dalma being the women who broke his heart, good point. I loved all of the heart and chest symbolism. How his heart is still beating but in a wooden chest while the chest of his body is empty.
Saw PotC2. Was enjoyable, but didn't love it as much as the first. There were many very funny moments, however, so I expect I will enjoy it more on rewatch.
The last scene was not, unfortunately, worth sitting through the credits squirming and mumbling "comeONhurryUPigottaPEE!"
I still don't understand why
the compass wouldn't work for Jack.
The rolling wheel was kinda dumb. Would have been better if it hadn't lasted as long.
I second previous opinions on Scruffy!Norrington, nothing else to offer there.
I think the thing that disappointed me was that
in the first, Jack was a clever, audacious manipulator who only seemed like a cowardly buffoon. This time, he seemed more of a cowardly buffoon and less either clever, brave, or successfully manipulative.
Did anyone else get that feeling?
eta whitefont just in case
I still don't understand why
it points to your heart's truest desire. And Jack doesn't know what he wants. Which Tia Dalma states explicitly. Whereas in the first movie he just wanted the Black Pearl, because it represented freedom to him.
Oooohhhh. Okay. I thought he just wanted
the heart so he could be free of Davy Jones.
I really didn't enjoy the film much at all, and I think a large part of that was the fact that
making the central driving theme of your film "Protagonist is ambivalent about his goals" makes for a reeeeeeeeally uncompelling story. Such as there was a story at all. They should have just called it PotC 2: Trailer for PotC 3.