morning. 18 degrees outside when I left, but it feels much colder.
The poor stupid bulbs that starting growing 2-3 weeks ago are so confused.
It feels very Monday (which means I would rather still be in bed and I kinda am pissed off at everyone for no good reason), and I am trying to squash the Mondayness by remembering what a good day Friday was and how rested I am. ANd OH! maybe I will make plans to go see a movie tonight.
My body is unused to cold, so I can't conceive of how cold 18 degrees is. Yeeps. Sounds verra cold.
I'm having a good Monday in that I woke up early and rested enough to grade, and I get to go to my daughter's daycare this afternoon for Franny's good bye party. She's saying good bye to toddlers and moving up to the preschool group. There will be homemade banana bread and a crown. Fun!
I've spent close to $100 on a cashmere sweater, but, that's (high-quality) cashmere. Also, $90 on sale from $150 has to count for something.
My bulbs are having similar wintry confusion. I saw the tips of crocus the other day (which obviously predate me, since I didn't plant them), and was like, dudes, you are a month early. Go back to bed.
It is stupid-cold outside today, which is why it's so ironic that I forgot to pack my lunch this morning.
OMG! Isaac just woke up and greeted me with a clearly spoken "Mama." Then he put his hand on my breast and said what sounded like "boobies there." Now he's just making baby babble.
I think I spent $40 on a shirt once. It was made of hemp, so it will last forever. (I have many dress shirts with holes worn in the elbows.) If only I could find hemp jeans, as a pare of Levis tends to last me about a year.
a year? what do you do in them? my jeans can last a good decade.
I wear my stuff all too long and have sense of style like a thing that's not. No wonder I've got no $100 shirts. Although some of my gothy shirts did actually cost some money.
I just had a neighbor ask if he could go out my window to get back in his apartment via the fire escape. SO random! I'm hoping he really was the neighbor and not a really well camoflaged burglar, with his mail and coffee.
a year? what do you do in them? my jeans can last a good decade.
Walk around, do stuff.
Usually I get a hole in the knee or the crotch or in the denim outside of where my keys and change collect in my front pocket.
Usually I have two or three pairs of jeans that I wear all the time.
I think I bought a $65 or $75 shirt once or twice -- silk, made very very well. Or maybe those were ones that I got in Filene's basement, so they were
priced like that. Do sales count?
I used to sew all my own clothes when I was much younger, poorer, and had a lot more free time. Which makes me a bit of a snob about clothing construction....