I'm glad airports at least have internet access now. I got stuck at Heathrow for 5 hours once and the most exciting thing to do (it was '82) was to pop out my radio and see if I could get any cool radio stations in. I couldn't.
Hmm. Do you have any friends that could pick you up in Detroit or is the hour you're coming in so bad that only a sworn blood companion would pick you up?
Gronk. I'm starting to go a bit dead and I know it's because I'm getting depressed about having to rewrite my resume and find a job within the month. I hate this. Why can't I be cooly Spock-like in my logic at times like this?
shrift is filtering me. I am terminally sad.
I don't think I know anyone who still lives on that side of Michigan. I probably won't get in until 1:30am, and the next flight out isn't until 8ish. We'll see.
Internet access is nice. I wouldn't have indulged, but I've spent the last 3 hours reading, and I wanted to notify a few people that I might disappear completely off the radar for a while.
Am not, Gus. This keyboard doesn't seem to understand the "cut and paste" function. And oddly enough, I'm using a terminal next to the gate boarding for New Zealand.
If you go in braced with "gay! it's gay!" you're just not being open to the story. Unless of course "it's gay!" is a big pull, but even then.
Hey, the latter worked to get me to pay good money for tickets to a western. Only Mary McDonnell and Graham Greene working together have managed that before.
shrift, I was gonna suggest that you just stay there, quit by phone and catch the next plane to Chicago.
But if she does that, she won't get to enjoy the funny visual of her bosses' heads exploding...
And oddly enough, I'm using a terminal next to the gate boarding for New Zealand.
Oh go ahead. You know you want to. What's the worst that could happen?
Sadly, I didn't bring my passport. Because California
isn't a foreign country.
I finally watched Project Runway. (well, had it on as background noise while I worked) It was quite fun and perfect for watching when I can't really pay close attention. Wouldn't go out of my way for it, but will watch if I'm around when it is on again. How's that for an enthusiastic endorsement?
OK. I'm getting all confuzzled on the word "terminal."
However, this is my natural state, confuzzlement.
Okay. I'm almost out of time. I think I'll go find somebody who'll sell me some beer.