my two sets of exercise clothes
I don't think I've ever had two sets of exercise clothes. A laundry emergency is when I have two sets left clean.
What you need, missy, is a trip to a Lucy. Fucking addictive shit.
Link ganked from John Rogers's blog--it made him cry, and made me weepy too. Goddamned sports stories and human interest.
Emily, if you need help with the Piaget, let me know. He's pretty strongly influenced by Montessori (which I have coming out of my ears at the moment), so I can parse pretty well.
Thanks, Debet, but I am so over Piaget. He is nothing to me now. Piaget who? You see?
I'm thinking, some Vygotsky, the briefest nod to Piaget's formal operations stage (11? I don't think so), and then stick in some Sizer. I'm just resentful because we haven't really focused on any theorists (at least, by name) since my first semester, and all of a sudden they want me to be all up on the research.
Oh ita - now that is a link worthy of clicking. Damn leaking eyes.
Hmph. I couldn't get that page to load.
Tear-inducing WMV. Tear-inducing Quicktime.
Dear lord. JLU just made me teary. I need to be extra mean when I teach today to even things out.
Great find, ita. Thanks for sharing.
Now I have to go touch up the make-up I just applied, dammit.
What Nicole said. Except for the make-up because I'm still in jammies.
Yay! I saw it! That's awesome.
Damn, that's the way things are supposed to happen
Timelies all!
Another quiet Sunday here...