C'mon! I want to get into a smack-down-drag-out over whether weebls are reversible or not.
I'll be in the County lock-up, hanging my weary head, and the other perps will be all "What are you in for?" and I'll be be all "WEEBLS!"
You got a problem with that!?"
Make it Cook County lock-up. You can leave whenever you want.
Weebles equilibrate, but they don't fall down.
Also, is there such a word as "equilibriation," or do they just keep spelling "equilibration" wrong?
Actually, Chicago does have a revolving-door rep for its lock-up. We even hear about it in Wisconsin.
Granted, the gossipers have to speak slowly, and use hand-gestures to illustrate things, but we eventually catch on.
Equilibration. Curse all extra l's.
Perkins - you still hanging out on the balcony, or have you moved on to nappage?
I just woke up from nappage about 2 minutes ago.
Heeeeee. I love the image of you kicked back on your balcony in that great deck chair, with your laptop.
Or, contrariwise, did I just mistype it every single time?
...yup, that was all me. I don't know why. Probably because of equilibrium. Anyway, it was Piaget. I think he was talking about how children move between stages of development, but I'm not at all sure. It could well be weebls.
"Equilibriation" sounds like trying to get one's balance while really drunk.