I have friends who use buckwheat flour and rice flour. If it is a carb issue, spelt flour is less heavy than whole wheat and more complex carby than white (if I am remembering correctly).
I think pizza would affect blood sugar so much because, 1) white wheat dough = simple carb. 2) Tomato's are a sweet fruit/veggie. 3) Most commercial tomato sauces have sugar added. 4) cooking veggies that go onto pizzas releases their sugars.
Welcome, jubsews!
And it looks like pizza turned out to be quite the lively conversational topic. To which I have nothing to contribute.
Oh, no, wait, I do. Should any Buffista happen to be vacationing at South Lake Tahoe, and should said Buffista wish to order a pizza instead of braving the icy streets and going out to eat, and should said Buffista see a big huge ad in the yellow pages proclaiming the New York Pizzeria to be the tastiest pizza in SLT and some of the tastiest pizza said Buffista will ever eat, ever -- this is a big stinky lie. New York Pizzeria pizza is about two steps up from grammar school cafeteria pizza. Consider yourselves warned. Hec and I suffered so the rest of you wouldn't have to.
Dishes are washed, my perpetual pile of clothes in the bedroom is mostly up, a small pile for Goodwill dropoff and drycleaning is assembled, and now my motivation to do one single thing more has gone utterly AWOL. The apartment is so hideously cluttered I just want to firebomb it all and start over. I won't, but I'd like to.
grammar school cafeteria pizza
Oh, my. I had repressed that memory. Spongy dough, bitter sauce, and gristly pepperoni chunks. Eeeugh. Pass the brain bleach.
Being as I do the low-carb diet thing from time to time, I think I've tried all the wheat substitutes out there. I don't like any of them. I want them to taste like wheat and have the texture of wheat, and they don't. And I don't like grains enough to learn to like them for their own taste and texture. It's easier to just give up the grain-based foods for the duration than to try to find acceptable substitutes. I find I really don't miss them that much. (Although I'd really like a pizza right now, thanks a lot, y'all.)
And hello, jebsews.
When I was low-carbing, I found that most things I would have put on bread were still damn good without the bread. Although there's not much to be done about pizza.
Last time I went out with the XBF, I ate all the topping off the pizza and left the bread. He boggled at me at first, but then did the efficient thing and ate the bread for me. He calls it "the crazy diet". He refuses to try it, though he might do well to lay off'n the bagels a bit his own self.
eta for wrong thread
From last night: my weekend plans:
Sat - Post office, dry cleaners, grocery store, read
somewhere in there do some cooking, vaccuum, list more on ebay.
Not bad since I didn't get out of bed until 2:00pm.
Now some TV. I think I have 3 BSG episodes to watch.
I just started project "Hold Gilda". I think I spent more time applying peroxide afterward than I did holding her.
I would like to share something with you all.
When there is an external disturbance, the subject succeeds in compensating for this by an activity. The maximum equilibriation is thus the maximum of the activity, and not a state of rest. It is a mobile equilibriation, and not an immobile one. So equilibriation is defined as compensation; compensation is the anulling of a transformation by an inverse transformation. The compensation which intervenes in equilibriation implies the fundamental idea of reversibility, and this reversibility is precisely what characterizes the operations of the intelligence. An operation is an internalized action, but it is also a reversible action. But an operation is never isolated; it is always subordinated to other operations; it is part of a more inclusive structure. Consequently, we define intelligence in terms of operations, coordination of operations.
Can anyone figure out what the hell is being talked about there? At least before the last sentence? The fuck?
Sure. Translation: "I will never have a paying job."