They haven't really shown much inclination to think that long-term anyway.
They haven't?
ETA Not a challenge, btw, just my own thoughts, but I think they have been very methodical in building up think tanks, creating grass roots support, etc. It's the Democrats that haven't kept their eyes on the prize.
but lately I've been feeling more and more like Kurtz sometime before the story, gazing at the Heart of Darkness while it gazed back at him.
I just went to my bookcase and had a case of Dude, Where's My Conrad?
Two Bhagavad-Gitas, no Heart of Darkness... What's up with that?
They haven't?
I think they have been very methodical in building up think tanks, creating grass roots support, etc. It's the Democrats that haven't kept their eyes on the prize.
They've been steadfast in their goals, sure. Getting the power, wielding the power, abusing the power...
I'm talking about not looking at realistic long term effects of policies. Seriously long term. They look at profit now vs. breathable air/drinkable water in the future. That sort of thing. And I'm not saying Democrats don't ever do that. This administration just seems to have that approach to everything. Plus the whole 'we create our own reality' thing.
edit: There is a good reason why I never joined the debate team in high school. I'm all logical and reasoned in my head. Not sure why that doesn't seem to translate into words.
Mistah Conrad, he dead?
Well he left Lord Jim and took the damn Heart of Darkness. I am pissed. I had a yen to reread it.
I think I may try to leave early today. It's slow here, and I just jerked awake for the second time in about 5 minutes.
I just jerked awake for the second time in about 5 minutes.
That's waking up at least one time to many.
I overheard a strange piece of conversation in the coffee room today:
It's like in the old times. You know, the old times, a long time ago when they used to have wars? It's like that.
I can't begin to guess.
I am not armed or poor or conservative. I do, however, live in a Red State and drink tea.
Not a Red State! Though I can see how that might be harder to see on your end of it.
Go home Perkins! Get rest.
Not a Red State!
Brenda is
correct. Wisconsin voted Blue, if only because "Democrat" and "Republican" have a similar number of letters, give or take a letter or so.