Cool Britannia (awful name, great ice cream)
It was SUPPOSED to be Strawberry Nields Forever. In that it's the exact same flavor that the Nields wanted to be named after them, and it came out before they got a chance to launch the massive fan campaign to get a B&J ice cream named after them.
Southern Pecan Pie was so good.
Enjoyed "Festivus"
Guessing "Cool Brittania" had toffee in it? In which case I agree on both counts.
Cool Britannia
I like that name because it always reminds me of the Bonzo Dog Band song.
Congratulations to the Wolframs!
Things continue to be weird at work. 7 layoffs out of an office of approx. 50 people. And writing on the wall for others because of the way things are being driven into the ground. MBA = Master of Bastardly Administration? Sure seems like it.
TomW continues to make me snortle on a regular basis with his posts.
My soup was surprisingly good! Needed salt, though. Stupid low-sodium.
I am skeptical about the new dirigible.
To minimize noise, the aft-mounted propellers will be electric, powered by a renewable source such as hydrogen fuel cells.
And they're gonna have this hydrogen fuel cell technology ready in four years? (They still gotta decide if it's gonna be hydrogen fuel cells or something else.) Then some company has to build the infrastructure to service the things, and some company has to decide to sell tickets and operate it, etc.
I think this is one of those things that often end up on the cover of
Popular Science,
etc - I bet the developers are still looking to get all the necessary financing so they're after the publicity that this story will generate.
That stupid one with pop rocks in it can rot in ice cream hell, though
KaBerry KABOOM!, you mean? Kaboom?
I was also struck by the awful awesomeness of Lemon Peppermint Carob Chip. Or is that awesome awfulness?
I am skeptical about the new dirigible.
That is just not something one hears every day.
What was that honey one they used to have? That was wonderful stuff.