computer? vids/vcds/dvds? crazy-person repellent?
Palm Pilot, which the closest to a computer. Scrubs DVDs for shrift, and...huh. I had in fact forgotten the Wiseguy disc I was supposed to bring.
SA wins at life! And ponies.
Dana: Something to write on/in/with?
I have my Palm Pilot, if I want to do some writing on the plane, and I have a pen, because it's always good to have a pen. I did once end up scribbling half of a story on the back of my boarding pass.
Crap! I forgot to pack shrift.
Easily-removeable shoes, for airport security?
You is crazy! I had fresh figs this summer, and they were like bites of heaven.
Well, she is the person who doesn't like bacon too, right?
I think Dana has the crazy-person-repellant angle fixed, what with hanging with shrift in person, who will turn her Sloungey Stare of Death on the foolsunfortunate targets.
Mmmmmm, figs.
I need to buy figs, actually.
SA wins at life! And ponies.
Score! ::takes her pony::
Well, she is the person who doesn't like bacon too, right?
::moans:: bacon! omg. I haven't had a real breakfast since I was at home two weekends ago. I am dreaming now of bacon, and eggs, and hash brows, and biscuits and gravy. Sigh.
Bacon, if you are going to fold up shrift and pack her, you probably are going to want some bacon to placate her after unpacking.
Thanks for the support, guys.
Will you likely know more about the restructuring plans after?
Well, either that or the fact that I have no place in them or the company, I'm guessing.
This compounded with other annoyances/stress this week and I felt it necessary to self-medicate with blueberry pancakes and bacon this morning. I feel mildly better. It's going to be a long wait until 3pm, though.
Speaking of annoyances, I need to remember to call ComEd tonight and tell them I seem to have lost my bill for this month.
Yay, Jen.
Um, ma'am? Are you aware your luggage is snarling?