I would like to share that my dad has eaten guinea pig. In Peru. He also chewed cocoa leaves there. "Really do help with the altitude!" Um, ok dad!
Mom couldn't eat the guinea pig because it gave her the giggles too badly. Every time she thought about it, she pictured the meat on her plate meepmeeping and bouncing and she didn't want to have to explain that to their hosts.
I'm having a hard time deciding between LittleBunnyFooFoo and BossOfYou.
I may not need to make a change, but if either publisher decides to buy, I'd feel safer for work related reasons, since I discuss Buffistas as my current boyfriend quite a bit.
I'm having a hard time deciding between LittleBunnyFooFoo and BossOfYou.
There's a small fanged bunny who thinks LittleBunnyFooFoo is perfect, but he's a touch biased.
What would we call you when we were too lazy to type LBFF? Foofy?
(aaand, I didn't even mean to abbreviate that. My brain farted.)
I like Boss Of You quite a great deal.
Oh, and I didn't actually die from the lotion, but I swear I'm still tasting it. Nast.
Who is that interviewer, Kat? You don't call someone else Mommy...it's not like that's the role's title.
It's some 60 Minutes woman. Good on Huffman for calling her on her reaction to her saying "No, Motherhood isn't the most fulfilling aspect of her life."
If you start growing extra limbs, be sure to tell us!
I have so many dishes to do. Foo on Dishes I say.
What would we call you when we were too lazy to type LBFF? Foofy?
BossOfYou abbreviated is BOY.
I'll do 'em!
(I am bored. And not dwelling on the fact that for two days in a row, I woke up counting down to the weekend. Which is nothing exciting. Except it isn't work. So BORED.)