This is a very cool idea.
Patented desk clocks with 12 slides, each with the name of two major cities; together, the 24 cities represent the 24 global time zones; to find the local hour in another time zone, simply roll the clock so that the city representing that time zone is on top.
Thanks, juliana. I'm hoping I'll be energetic enough to give myself some time to really think about what I want to do. I've never pursued what I really wanted to do in life and it's trapped me doing a whole lot I *don't* want to do. So I have to see how feasible it is to break out of the pattern without starving. But I'll be looking at anything 40kish and up.
Sophia, the big news is that I was laid off today.
Hope everyone else is having a better day. :)
Bathtub with built-in TV. It even has surround-sound...
OMGWANTNOW! Also a slot for me to safely secure my iPod, or dock it. And one of those book holder. And the interweb so I never ever have to leave my bath.
I love this nugget from an article about BBM in Jamaica:
When THE STAR contacted the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays, a representative said that "the Jamaican opening of the movie is a wonderful idea.
(emphasis mine)
Loved this from Cute Overlord: [link]
Mostly for the expression of the critter on the right....
tommy, stop that.
...but it's one of my favorite hobbies!
It's an ick hobby.
Forensic scientists say gladiators fought with fair rules. I wonder what they'd say about krav instructors.
So my ophthalmologist thought that one of my blood tests indicated a tendency for excessive clotting, while another was the opposite of what would indicate a tendency for excessive clotting, so he was confused by this. (eta: all my other results were normal) Today I saw a hematologist, who told me that the opthalmologist was mistaken - both the blood tests in question showed the opposite of the tendency to clot. (He aso said that the tests I had were pretty rare, so he could understand how the opthalmologist could make that mistake.) So yay me - as far as they can tell there should be no inappropriate clotting going on. But he did order six new blood tests - I think I've had about 25 different blood tests now.