Asking for a friend - anyone familiar with the firm DLA Piper? Good, bad, indifferent?
Never heard of them. Sorry.
On the subject of opinions about companies, 21st Century Insurance is quoting me $300 less than Geico, but I've never heard of them. Anyone have experience with them?
Happy birthday Laura!
I am too busy to be here. Really. I made a task list to try to stay on track this week and I have 5 urgent things due today. 5! and none of them are simple one step tasks. WAH!!!
Also, overslept, emailed in late. Was told late has to stop. No more Olympic watching for me, I must get to bed early since my body is craving extra sleep still. Double WAH!!
OH!! And Allyson. I do not see you the way you see you. also? have you seen people? I mean really. You look much more together and attractive than so many many people. And I am 35 and no boyfriend or kids and will likely not get married, most days that is ok in my head.
The lunch room microwave has begun communicating in whale song.
We've added LSD to shrift's coffee! Do you think she'll notice?
I have some familiarity with DLA Piper. At one point in the last couple of years they had the most lawyers of any firm worldwide. Dunno how true that is anymore. But as such it's difficult to make any generalizations about them.
I'm beginning to wonder if I got enough sleep myself. I just read Papal Bodyguard as
Bodyguard and Bush Defends Port Deal as Bush Defends
Pol Pot.
Which, even with my political bent, isn't something I'm really thinking.
Bush Defends Port Deal
aaaand I just read this as Bush Defends Pot Deal
("It was primo stuff and wicked cheap." It may be possible that I'm not up on current pothead lingo.)
OK, I vote we all go take naps.
I have some familiarity with DLA Piper. At one point in the last couple of years they had the most lawyers of any firm worldwide. Dunno how true that is anymore. But as such it's difficult to make any generalizations about them.
Yeah, I checked out their site and thought that might be the case. Well, we'll see what happens - my brother has an interview with them this week, so some jobma would be appreciated.
Seconding the Nap Plan!
Hey, The Hivemind, can you name any out, gay, male American actors under the age of 50?
I've got Chad Allen but can't think of others. I thought Sean Hayes but evidently he won't talk about his personal life at all.