Happy Birthday, Laura!
Allyson, I'm sorry about the glasses and associated concerns. I had a similar self-hate moment (ok, afternoon. and part of the evening) last weekend. I'm 38, I haven't had a date since Clinton was in office (and don't think I'm not giving Bush at least part of the blame), and then, to cap it all off, I found my first white hair.
Yep. Not gray, not a little sun-streaking to lighten up the surrounding brown--pure, snow white.
I spent the next several hours examining every physical flaw I have. And, yeah, I made the magnifying mirror mistake. Eventually I stepped away from the mirror, but day-um. Nothing like your own body to rev up the old self-hate engine.
I'm feeling better about it now. You see, I have sort of been on an "aging like Grandma Eda" train, since I look and, according to her son, act a lot like her. But her hair just got duller and thinner until it subsided into this brownish-grayish mess on her head. She also acquired a ton of wrinkles along the way, and died rather horribly due to Altzheimers. Now my hair seems to be going the way of my mom's and her mom's. If this means I get Mom's 20-years-younger-than-it-should-look skin, Grandma Maisy's gorgeous, thick, snow white hair, and their mutual long-term lucidity along with it?
I'm totally embracing the white hair. And hoping for others.
In other news, I might be a good person to hang with during the zombie apocalypse--at 67% I'll probably survive.