Whoa. That Wolverine photo made me stop breathing for a second.
The posters are making me want to see X3, just for the pretty. I saw X1 and swore I'd never see another. It was mainly Halle Berry's fault. Will I need to have seen X2 to make sense (*snicker*) of X3?
I scored a 65% as a survivor. Though that's for my gut responses given while clearheaded and sitting at my desk. I suspect the Daffy Duck-style freakout reaction I'd probably have in the midst of an actual Zombie Apocalypse would be less condusive to survival...
Man. Someone tell me something nice.
Someone tell me something nice.
You are an awesome writer.
On the general tip, my friend who works in a microbrewery just shut down the line so they could rescue a hummingbird that got trapped in the building. He's a sweet guy. The bird made it.
Our really good friends just had their daughter, Mia, at 8:56 this morning. Daddy caught her and gave her to mommy. They are all doing well.
Then the weather changed, and pants and shoes became our friends.
That's more or less what happened here, too.
Man. Someone tell me something nice.
I'm going to make tacos for dinner!
I swear, she was saying "car" yesterday, with great excitement, but I've got no idea where she'd have picked it up or why it thrilled her, as she tends to regard going for rides in the C-A-R with about as much joy as the cats look forward to the B-A-T-H.
Y'know, Li'l Sphere's attitude towards C-A-R rides changed when I turned the seat around. He gets all kinds of excited now.
It's going to get warmer later this week.
Can't help you with the video Connie, but I think I have a couple of stills from that on my laptop at home.
Matt & Plei, I would love some yummy Alexi pics. Profile is good. Or a nummy link.
My former officemate finally found a new job with the feds, so good benefits! And it involves a nondriving commute (if you knew his luck with cars....)
I'm no longer queasy and the pukey seems to be resolving itself. Which while it is something nice for me, doesn't really matter to anyone else not in sight.
I finally got my valentine gift from my parents. A giant (well, cat sized) stuffed pink hippo. I squeed a lot. See, when I was three, my dad brought me back a fist sized pink hippopotamus from one of his business trips. It travelled everywhere with me. Then, when I was 20 and returning from Prague, it disappeared! I was terribly heartbroken ( I actually burst into tears when I searched all my crap for the bazillionth time and didn't find it. That may have partly been the jetlag, though.) Since then, he's been on the lookout for pink hippos. I now have 4 of various varieties plus a blue one. He really takes his hunt seriously. Which makes me feel all loved and shit.