I feel doubly guilty when going to the local Oberweis, partially because of the overpriced (but very yummy) ice cream, and partly because I don't want to be giving him any of my nicely liberal dollars.
I have no issue with Jim Oberweis pissing away my liberal dollars and thus forcing more legitimate Republican candidates to piss away their conservative dollars.
I will rec McCann's Instant Irish Oatmeal as something quick, tasty, healthy, and not overly sweet. It's really good. I also eat the Kashi Go Lean! instant oatmeal, but that is kinda nast.
on the flipside there's my cousin who bought a 3BR on 3 acres in southern Indiana for 40k. Of course, he's out in the middle of no where, 30 minutes via country roads from the nearest town, but still.
My sister and I last year bought (what's left of) our old family farm; a 100-yr-old 3-bedroom farmhouse on 50 acres, for $50K. Of course, it's at the corner of No and Where, 30 minutes via country roads from the nearest town of decent size... but it's ours. And we grew up there, so... I'd say we're used to it, but having lived in urban areas for lo these many years, we now think we'd go crazy living there. I could maybe stand it, if we got satellite and exorcised the damn ghosts.
I think the McCann's Quick & Easy is what I've been eating! (Exclamation points and oatmeal. What an unlikely couple.)
Batman iPod case.
Not that anyone here would be interested in such a thing...
lisah, how did the shower go?
I think I passed the trailers for this a lunch today: [link]
Sure as hell didn't see anybody famous.
I forgot to report airport sightings from this weekend. Friday at LGA - Roberta Flack (dealing with her own luggage) - and Sunday coming back to NY, I think one of the Barber twins (Tiki or Rande) was on the plane.
Randomosity from the BatMan iPod page:
Not available outside the United States (except for Speed Racer)
licensing issues, I'd suspect.